This site has been a good way to put my several kinds of work together. I draw daily with a continued desire to find a different approach. While I have developed a certain skill level, I would like my content to have a sharper edge, and be funny.
The 20 Minutes from Life set is from my figure session in Sarasota. I add figures from short poses into an empty sheet, 18x24, and try to make each look like they belong. I have no control over the models, nor do I want to. It's work on the fly. All these are from 2015 to 2022. The Small Drawings are all posted on Instagram- jbstew17.
The Brooklyn Sketchbook pages are my three most recent. I have done 9 books. The Brooklyn Art Library moved from Brooklyn, NY, to St. Petersburg, FL, in 2020 and have since closed their doors. A loss. They started near Pratt Institute. A great art school where I learned a critical approach to creating and looking at work.
My hope is that this site works and you enjoy your time spent here.
Thank you, Jim Stewart
Sarasota, Florida